Articles (25)

Application Details - Educational Institutions

The purpose of this job aid is to add or edit Educational Institutions for a person. If there was a mistake and you need to delete an Educational Institution, please contact your Supervisor.

Application Details: Achievements

The purpose of this job aid is to add, edit or delete Language, Employment Information, and licenses/certifications to the Achievements tab.

Application Details: Application Information

Review application information under Application Details. For example, Applied Term (Start date), Applied Date (application date), and Campus.

Application Details: Military Service and Veterans Benefits

The purpose of this job aid is to add, edit or delete Military Service and Veterans Benefits.

Application Details: Recommenders

Add a letter of recommendation into Seahawk Student. Currently, we’re only tracking letters of recommendation for High School Dual Enrollment, High School Early Admits, and the Bachelor’s programs.

Application Fee

View amount student has paid toward their application.

Application Tab: Overview Decision Summary

Review the Overview Decision Summary under the Application tab.

Change Preferences

When you do a search in the Search field at the top in Seahawk Student, the default setting is, “Common,” which will only show Broward College employees. If you put in a student ID, nothing will appear. In order for students to appear, you need to change your preferences to, “All of Workday,” and then you’ll be able to find the person with the search feature.

Checklist: Residency

Includes items to complete the Residency process.

Checklist: Test Scores

Add, Edit, or Delete a test score.

Contact Tab: Friends and Family

View and add Family and Friends information found in the Contact Tab. (Including Emergency Contact)

Contact Tab: Phone, Address, Email

The purpose of this job aid is to review the Phone number, physical Address, and Email address found in the Contact Tab.

Contact Tab: Social

View and edit Social Network information.


This job aid will show how to attach images under the Documents tab for a student.

Find Student Prospects

When doing a search for prospects, applicants, or students, use the Find Student Prospects task.

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms used in Seahawk Student


The purpose of this job aid is to view the Student History on the academic person. We can see whether an email/engagement has been sent, or changes that have been made to the academic person (residency, and citizenship status as examples.)

Immigration Status Hold and Requirement

Complete the Proof of Immigration Status requirement.

Manual Completion or Waive Requirements

Some requirements need to be manually completed or waived. Decide if you need to Complete the requirement, or Waive the requirement and continue through these steps.

Personal Tab - IDs

View and edit IDs found in the Personal Tab.

Personal Tab - Personal Information

The purpose of this job aid is to assist end users with viewing, and editing Personal information such as date of birth, gender, race/ethnicity, citizenship status, and if they are Hispanic or Latino.


View and update residency.

Test Scores

Test scores are used for placement in various courses and programs. Test scores will automatically upload back and forth – CID and Seahawk Student. If a student presents their scores that are not yet in Seahawk Student, verify and add the test scores.


Add, view or edit transcripts. Note: Currently we are not evaluating the Post-Secondary Transcripts in Seahawk Student. Please refer to CID for those Transcript Evaluations.

View Student Tags

The purpose of this job aid is to view the various Student Tags. Student Tags do not stop the process for admissions. They can become a student, yet still have tags to be resolved.