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Services or Offerings?
Use this form to report an issue with an Accounts Payable (A/P) process in Workday

Use this form to report issues with Accounts Receivable (A/R) transactions

Request a photo to be added or updated in Teams and Outlook.

Use this form to report an issue with Assets in Workday

Report an issue with Benefits such as: FMLA, missing benefits, open enrollment issues, sick pool questions, etc.

The Blackboard Call Center or Contact Center is our Tier 1 support for all IT and Student call and chat requests. The IT area is available to Faculty and Staff as well.

Broward College OneAccess (BC OneAccess) is a cloud identity platform (IDP) in which Broward College users would only need to enter one set of credentials to access all of their web apps and services within the cloud.

Assistance with the Workday Adaptive planning tool and Budget preparations.

Use this form to report issues with budgeting functions in Workday

Use this form to report issues with Bursar

New to the Service Portal? I do not see all the Services. I can't find a Service that i'm looking for?

Microsoft 365 Copilot is a powerful tool that helps users to be more productive and efficient in their work. It can summarize important documents, catch up on communications, generate drafts of emails, documents, search users data for answers to key questions, and more. Copilot can also help users with rewriting, improving, or optimizing their content. It is a valuable addition to the Microsoft 365 suite of tools, designed to help users get the most out of their work.

Request Assistance or report a problem with Workday's My Learning Course Development and Management

Request Assistance or report a problem with Workday's My Learning Course Development and Management

Use this form to report issues with Credit and Collections