How to Navigate the BC OneAccess Portal


Welcome to BC OneAccess, a cloud identity platform (IDP) in which Broward College users would only need to enter one set of credentials to access all of their web apps and services within the cloud. Onc you have signed into the platform you will land on the following dashboard. as shown below:


  1. Frequents Tab - This tab will dynamically list the last 10 applications/services (Tiles) you have clicked on while using BC OneAccess. This does not contain the full list of application/services (Tiles) that the college offers. Please use the Company: Everything tab To see the full list of application/services (Tiles).
  2. Company: Everything Tab - This tab will contain the full list of application/services (Tiles) that you have been given access to. Majority of tiles are assigned by a particular role, while others are granted by its respective application owner.
  3. The Search bar is a quick way to find tiles within the platform, however please use the full or partial name of the tile for accurate results. 
  4. Allows you to return to the home page of BC OneAccess
  5. Takes you to your profile where you can do the following:
    1. Change your password
    2. Change/Create Security Questions
    3. Change/Create your MFA Authentication factors
  6. An Application or Service (Tile) within BC OneAccess
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Article ID: 138011
Wed 5/18/22 9:22 AM
Wed 5/18/22 9:28 AM