The new Turnitin tab will allow instructors more control over the settings, as well as additional tools such as the e-rater.
Please note: If you are currently using OriginalityChecker in D2L, be sure to update your assignment folders in to turn off the OriginalityChecker and enable the Turnitin tab by following the steps below:
- Log into D2L, locate your course, and yourassignments.
- Edit the Assignment submission folder to change thesettings.
- Under the Properties tab, locate the OriginalityChecker – remove the checkmark next to “enable for thisfolder”.
4. Click on Save and Close.
5. Edit the Assignment folder again.
6. Turnitin integration tab will now appear.
7. Click on the Turnitin tab.
8. Enable the Turnitin for this folder by adding a checkmark next to this option.
9. Click on More Options in Turnitin for more set up options.
10. Set up options selected may vary depending on your needs. A video tutorial explaining the setup
options is available on the CTEL D2L page.
11. Click Submit and Save and Close on the next page.